Friday, January 2, 2009

Garlic Bread.

My mom makes the best garlic bread in the world.

No really.

I'm going up to visit my parents with the baby tomorrow, and I know that when I arrive, there will be lots of glorious garlic bread for me to eat.

But I wanted garlic bread now, so I made some.

It's a pretty good substitute.

Garlic Bread.
*lots of garlic, finely minced.
*1/2 cup butter, softened (one stick)
*a little finely grated parmigiana reggiano, if you have it (optional)
*bread to smear the butter on. French is good, sourdough, whatever you like that you think will go well with garlic.

Preheat the oven to 375degrees F.
Chop garlic into itsy bitsy little pieces and mix into the butter. Put as much garlic as you want. I love garlic so I put in a lot. I used about 10+ (maybe 15) cloves for this batch.
Mix in any parmigiana reggiano if you want. I think it adds a little piquancy to it, but it's not necessary if you don't have it on hand.
Butter bread thoroughly. If little chunks stick up, leave them because they toast so delicious.
Place bread on baking sheet of some sort and put in oven.
Toast until the bread is toasted to your preferences. I like a soft golden-brown in the center with a crispy crust. My grandpa likes his blackened. Whatever you prefer.

Om nom nom.

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