Thursday, January 15, 2009


One of my goals in cooking is to reduce the amount of processed foods we use as a family. I hate using canned ingredients and premade stuff and convenience foods as a whole.

I don't mind frozen vegetables too much because they are frozen at the peak of freshness and not many nutrients are lost in the freezing process.

But for the rest, I don't believe they taste as good and they are also pretty expensive. I worry about calorie, sodium and fat content. I worry about the health effects of not eating a well-rounded diet, and I want to set a good example for my son for the rest of his life. Lofty goals, huh? There's a reason I called this blog "Fresh Daily."

I understand VERY well that time is at a premium for most everyone, and many people have little time to prepare a meal from scratch every night. But I think it's important to try.

I'm going to work on making meals ahead of time, with fresh, natural, as-much-organic-as-I-can ingredients. I'm going to rely on my freezer as much as possible for my make-ahead meals. I might need a second one even. I want to plant a vegetable garden as soon as we purchase our house, and get most of my produce from there rather than the store. It will definitely be a learning experience, and I plan to document it here.

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